Tree Trimming and Pruning


Tree Pruning and Crowning ServicesTree trimming and pruning are critical to maintaining the appearance of your trees and safety as well. Trees when young, are often planted to close to homes and building, eventually threatening them with overhanging branches, and the potential of uprooting and falling onto your property. Tree trimming can transform your overgrown trees, making them safe and look pleasing with your landscape.

Absolute Tree Service is skilled and experienced in trimming all types and sizes of a tree, maintaining their health and restoring their appearance. In our experience, there is virtually no property we visit that couldn't benefit from tree trimming one or more trees in the landscape. It is truly remarkable what a before and after the appearance of a well-trimmed tree looks like. Often, it can make a significant difference in landscape, whether it be an improved lawn (due to allowing more sunshine in) or an overall neater appearance to the tree and surrounding landscape.

To request a free quote and schedule your Tree Trimming and pruning contact us.
Serving Ontario, Webster, Fairport, Penfield, and Monroe County NY.

Absolute Quotes are always free. Contact us today!